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please help me

19 9:40:39

My lil yorkie annabelle just had six puppies she is breast feeding and one of her breast is going
Hard the puppies don't even mess with it what can I do at home to help this problem I'm a single
Women that is 23 and struggling can't afford all these vet bills so if there is anything you
Can think of that I can try at home please let me know thank you brandy


Hi Brandy,

Your dog might have Mastitis, which is an infection of the milk ducts. You shouldn't take my word on that, I'm not a doctor and I haven't seen your dog. Nobody online can diagnose your dog for you.

If this Mastitis, and if it's not treated it can lead to "gangrene mastitis". Gangrene mastitis is caused by a bacteria that does not require oxygen to grow. The skin eventually turns black and dies leaving a huge hole that will drain pussy blood. Your dog would start to run a high temperature and would needs antibiotics. An advanced untreated case of Mastitis can kill your dog.  If your dog develops mastitis, you must begin treatment immediately to avoid it turning into gangrene mastitis.

If you are having trouble afford veterinary care, first talk to your regular vet. Ask your veterinarian if he or she will let you work out a payment plan. Many veterinarians are willing to work out a weekly or monthly payment plan so that you do not have to pay the entire cost of veterinary care up front. Another option is to contact your local shelter or Humane Society. Some shelters operate or know of local subsidized veterinary clinics or veterinary assistance programs. If you happen to live within driving distance to veterinary school, check with them to see if they offer discount services to the public. There are two special credit cards to apply for which help with medical bills (including veterinary bills) read about them here:

Best of luck,


PS. Having puppies is more expensive than getting your dog spayed!  Make this your dog's last litter, and have her spayed after her pups are weaned, at around 5 weeks of age. There are many reduced cost spay clinics all over the country. Ask your local animal shelter or talk to your vet to find one that's near you.