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Boston Terrier Puppies

19 11:37:56

I just recently purchased a Boston Terrier Puppy. I was told it was full blood but there is no pappers. He was born with a full length tail. My husband says that if it was born with a tail then it cannot be full blood boston terrier. What is the vertic. Could this pup be  full blood and be born with a full length tail??

Dear Polly,

Thank you for writing to me about your new family member.

The moral of the story is, don't buy a puppy but rather save a dog on death row!!!  Every time you buy a puppy, another perfectly wonderful dog on death row will die for want of a home.

If you had gotten this dog from a reputable breeder you would have been given papers and know exactly what you were getting, because the parents would be available for viewing.  Buying from a pet shop or backyard breeder is not going to guarantee you anything.

All that being said, your dog is a living, breathing, puppy that loves you dearly and will bring joy and comfort to your it with all your heart, care for it in every way you can and don't worry about whether or not it is full blooded or mixed's heart and soul is as pure as the new driven snow!!!  

Be sure to read up on puppy house breaking and training so you know exactly what to do for your dog.

Shelley Davis