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collapsed windpipe cough causes air swallowing and pressure on the lungs

19 11:31:42

My 16 year old chi-weenie (doxie/chihauhau) has suffered from a collapsed windpipe for a number of years. As he aged it has worsened considerably. He now coughs so severely he swallows a lot of air which in turns pressures his lungs making him cough even more. How do I minimize this intestinal air buildup when it occurs? And what treatments are available (surgical and otherwise) for treatment of collapsed windpipe? Any help appreciated. Thanks.

Hello Lynn, A few things would be to have his food and water at a height that he does not have to bend over to eat or drink from.  There are many adjustable food dishes available, try  Another would be to use a harness not a collar.  Other than that at his age there is not much.  Surgery at this age is highly restricted.  Just do what you do best and Love and care for him.  Thanks for asking, Cindy Lou :)