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Feeding and walking

19 14:01:26

Hi -

I've been wondering about the best time to walk the dog (Norwich terrier) in relation to his feeding time. In other words, how long after eating will he need to go out?

For instance, suppose he wakes up at 8AM, and I'm going to be out from 10AM to 2PM.

1. Would it be better to wait until just before I leave before feeding him, or should I feed him right away?

2. If he's going to eat right away, is it better to walk him before eating, or wait until afterward? Does it matter?

I've been feeding him right away, then walking him. He usually urinates and defecates pretty quickly - I assume this is from yesterday's dinner, not today's breakfast. Is that a correct assumption?



Hey Steve,
I say if it ain't broke, don't fix it!   I think you are doing it right by feeding right away..then walking shortly after. Eating in the morning gets last night dinner moving (just like your cup of coffe in the morning!) What a great breed you picked too...wonderful dogs.
Good Luck,