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pom shedding problem

19 11:34:53

Hey there. I've wanted a Pomeranian since before I could read, and although my family agrees that they are absolutely adorable, they have problems with the shedding portion of the dog.  Is there any breed of Pom that DOESN'T shed or sheds unnoticeably?  If not, is there anything that can stop the Pom from shedding?  Help is greatly appreciated.  Thank you!

What you can do to slow down shedding is to brush a pom EVERY day,and you can also take him or her to the groomers and ask to get the undercoat striped,or just explain you want something done to reduce shedding,there's a lot of things groomers can do such as certain blow drying technics that reduce shedding by about 80
and the rest you can do by brushing

Also getting the dog fixed seems to reduce it a lot too,as a lot of shedding is hormonal