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Rescued Dog with behavior Problems

19 10:08:44


We rescued a female GSD in September last year. The plan was for her to breed with our Male GSD (which we also rescued). Both dogs came to us from families that no longer had time and/or sufficient yard space for the dogs.

We were advised by the previous owner when we brought the bitch that she had previously lived with another dog but it had died. Due to it suddenly being on it's own and them not having time for her, she started circling their garage.

Since we have had her, she runs around in circles all day. We have tried putting fences up in the back yard to stop her, but she finds a new area in which to circle.

She has dug a track around the area she runs in. Usually she runs anti-clockwise and will do it repeatedly while we are in the yard with her.

My wife and I have worked with her to a point where she will come if called, but will not stay and returns to her track in the yard and continues to run.

She gets walked most days, apart from when she is on heat, with the dog and is generally well behaved when on a lead. She follows my commands, unless other dogs are near when she becomes agressive. She is very anti social when she is around any other dog than ours.

We are worried because apart from the constant running and ruining of the back yard, she won't put on any weight. We are feeding her quite a lot and she has been wormed so that isn't a reason for her being so thin.

We are worried that she could now possibly pregnant as our dog and her have succesfully mated several times last week while she was on heat.

I do not want to surrender her to be destroyed without trying to get her behavior modified but we are not in a financial position to be able to pay for a lot of drugs and professional treatment/therapy.

Can you please offer some advice.

Many thanks

Hi Robert,

The constant running in circles might be a symptom of a vision problem or a neurological/balance problem. Little tight circles could be a symptom of compulsive disorder, like Obsessive Compulsive Disorder in humans. If it's compulsive disorder, there is medication which can help that. Talk to your vet about it, or about referring to a veterinary behaviorist (who can prescribe meds) I'd get her eyesight checked by an ophthalmologist (has more sophisticated equipment than a general practice vet), and possibly have a neuro eval done.

Something else to consider would be hyperthyroidism. Hyperthyroidism is an endocrine disease that causes overproduction of the hormone thyroxine. Dogs that are hyperthyroid can't keep weight on, even though they have terrific appetites. Very common warning signs of this disease include hyperactivity and nervousness.

Best of luck,
