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peeing puppy

19 9:46:15

I have a 4 month old maltese male we are toilet training him to go outside but also have pee pad inside, today he peed in his bed and also on the couch he has never done this, would there be any reason why now?


Hi Leonie,

Some puppy's are confused by house training pads. To them, they don't see a difference between going to the bathroom on a soft pad, and going on a soft mattress. A puppy needs to be taught that it's only acceptable to go to the bathroom outside of the home, and everyplace inside the house is  a BIG no-no!

The solution is to not give your un-house trained puppy the run of your home. When you can't be watching him like a hawk, he needs to contained to either a dog crate or an area of your home (with the help of a child gate or two), so that accidents can't happen in the home. Make sure you don't wait too long between walks. At four months hold, your puppy can only "hold it" about 5 hours, or less.

Best of luck,