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Nodules around mammary glands

19 14:13:16

Hi Becky:

I am German Shorthaired Pointer breeder and have a bitch who whelped healthy pups on May 27th.  She stopped nursing by July 7th or so.  All was normal until today, when I noticed several marble sized growths under her skin near her mammary glands.  Some are clustered together.  I cannot see my vet 'til Monday and it's Sat., so I am worried.  Never seen anything like this before in all these years.  They do not seem painful and they have no discharge or discoloration.  They popped up in the last 48 hours, not before.

Any ideas?


Hi Lisa,

I don't think you really need to worry about these tumors,  but they will probably have to be removed.  Do they move around when you touch them?  That is quite common, and although not cancerous, if you leave them, they could become cancerous.  Of course, I am not a vet, so I am only guessing here,but my guess is that it is not anything to be worried about,  but should be seen by your vet on Monday.

God Bless,