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large bloody mass

19 10:52:15

My parents lab is about 14 or 15 yrs old. Over the past yr and a half she has developed a progressing large mass on the side of her neck. When we first noticed it it was the size of a golf ball. Now it is the size of a softball, rock hard, and looks like dried blood. It has a terrible odor to it as well. She looks uncomfortable. Not sure if that has to do with the mass or old age. I am taking her to the vet in a couple weeks. I really feel like it would be best to put her down. DO you have any advice as to what it could be?

Hi Shelley,

If it smells that bad it sounds like the growth may be infected, which can be causing the discomfort you've noted.

I'm not a veterinarian, but speaking from experience, it might be possible to drain the cyst, rather than surgically removing it because of the dog's age. Then again, if the dog has pre-operative blood work done, and everything looks good, surgery might be an option. This is something you need to discuss with the vet.

Though many types of cysts refill over time, bringing the dog in once or twice a year to "Drain her" might be an option, if her quality of life is good in the other aspects of her life.

Best of luck,