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My little dog is bleeding

19 11:48:28

I have a pomaranian/miniture doberman mix and she is about 4 years old. I noticed that last night she bled on the carpet. Well, I thought she might be in heat but when the bleeding didnt stop, I noticed its from her rear, and not her vagina. What could this be? She is up moving around fine, she is just bleeding a dark colored blood.  

Dayna, thanks for the question.

I would feel better about this situation if you were to have her seen by a vet. It could be a serious condition and answering it on an internet board is not the best situation for your pet.

Sorry, but this is the only answer I can provide for you. I hope she will be ok and please let me know how it goes at the vet.


I am sorry that you feel like I haven't provided you with an answer to your puppy's problem, but I am not a veterinarian and feel that I would be doing your little one a dis-service by trying to diagnose the problem. She needs to be seen by a vet and quickly. I'm sure that the other experts on here would agree with my recommendation.

Again, I appolgize for not being able to help you with your problem.