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dog feces-coprophagia

19 14:19:02

What dangers are there to children related to coprophagia in dogs,.or dog feces. Any information would be helpful thank you. I have read something about dogs and cats transmitting toxoplasmosis through their stools? Whatever that means?  

            Thank you Ray Clinton

Hi, the danger in toxoplasmosis is towards pregnant women.  If they come in contact with it when they are pregnant, it can harm the fetus.  They have to somehow ingest it to cause harm to the fetus.  That is why most Drs. tell pregnant women not to handle cat boxes (cleaning them etc.) due to the danger of it getting on their hands and accidently ingesting some.  
Coprophaigia is when dogs ingest their own feces.  The only dangers really are just bacterial, not like toxoplasmosis which can causes birth defects.  Hope this helps.
