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Signs of separation anxiety - is it serious or normal?

19 9:40:16

Hello Kristen,

Thank you for taking my question.  I recently adopted a 15 mo (est. age) lab mix rescue.  I've only had him for about 2 weeks and he has bonded to me quickly.  A week into arriving home he started exhibiting symptoms of what I believe is separation anxiety.  

I keep him gated in an unused loft bedroom which I've designated his play area when I leave for work.  he has plenty of toys, water, etc.  I stuff a kong w/ PB before I leave to keep him occupied.  Lately he's started getting anxious when he knows I'm about to leave, tries to prevent me from leaving by blocking my way, loses all interest in the treats I give him, and sitting by the pet gate whining as I'm leaving.  He whines while I continue to be in the house.  It's a soft whine but it's persistent but not a "loud and stressful I'm having an anxiety attack whine".  

Other than this, he does not destroy things, hide (to the best of my knowledge), mutilate himself or otherwise do anything retaliatory while I'm out.  When I return he is very excited to see me.  I don't make a big deal when I come and go, I just leave/arrive quietly giving him time to calm down.  So far it seems like manageable anxiety.  

I've read that it's normal for dogs to want to be w/ their packs and thus will feel some level of anxiety when we leave them.  Does his behavior seem normal and manageable or should I be more concerned and focus on correcting it?  If so, any other tips/suggestions on how to resolve?  Thanks!  Michelle

This isn't separation anxiety,at least not yet. With some dogs it can develop and others it doesn't but a good idea to prevent it from developing is to ignore the dog ten minutes before and after going out,now you can take the dog outside in these time frames but no petting hugging ect that way it's less of a big deal