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Potty training.

19 11:37:17

I have a 5 month old boxer who goes where ever he wants to in the back yard.  I would like him to potty only in one spot away from the house so that I don't have dog poop all over my back yard.  He seems to be a very smart dog and rings the bell that hangs at the entrance of the back door when he wants to go outside to do his business.  I only wish he didn't go all over the place.  When we first got him, he was two months old, and I would take him to the exact spot every morning for weeks but that didn't help much.  Thanks.

I think too much time has passed to try to train him to go in only one spot. If you watch him when he goes outside, you could pick it up immediately and then you will have solved the problem of poop-searching. You could fence off a smaller area for him to potty in if it bothers you too much.

Be glad that he rings the bell to tell you when he needs to go out! Many, many others are not so fortunate.
