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fast swelling lump on boston terriers neck

19 10:54:05

My 18 month old boston terrier had a grape sized lump on her neck just under her chin. In three days it has grown into a golf ball. The vet tried to lance it when it happened the first time last July with no results. What could make her neck swell up so fast? We are planning to go into the vet in the morning, but just wanted to hear what it could possibly be. We have 5 children  and so we have limited funds to spend on expensive surgery for our pet but have absolutely no limits when it comes to her, so we just want to see what it could possibly be to be more prepared if she requires surgery.

Hi Rick,

I can not identify the kind of growth has, that can only be done by a doctor.
When you took your dog to the vet the first time, didn't he give you a diagnosis of what kind of cyst your dog had?  With some, they "refill" after being drained. Repeated draining can cause scar tissue to develop, so you might want to consider removing the cyst.

There are several different kinds of cysts and tumors that dogs can develop, many of which are benign. Sometimes, the only reason to remove the growth is because of it's location, not because it will do any harm to the dog.

If the kind of growth is in question, I suggest that you have the vet do a simple needle biopsy, so you'll know exactly what kind of growth you're dealing with.

If it turn out that the best treatment is to remove the growth, and affording the surgery is a concern, ask your veterinarian if you can pay the bill off over an agreed upon period of time. Many vets are open to this option if it's discussed in advance.

Best of luck,