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19 10:54:05

hi i was wondering if you could help me. we have a 14 month old staff bitch she is a very placid playful dog but her behavior has changed dramatically over the past few days. she has become very possessive over her bones and toys she will bury them in her bed, sit on them anything  just to not let you near them. she seems quite depressed and doesn't seem to want to play or go for walks anymore which she normally loves. she has gone off her food and seems to be petrified of her water bowl, she crys and shakes everytime she goes near it. we are quite worried about is could it be something serious or just a phase she going through. thanks

Hi Katie,

At 14 months old, your dog isn't having "phases" anymore. Sudden changes in behavior, and her refusal to eat can signal illness. Your first step in figuring this out should be having your dog examined by your veterinarian.

Once the possibility of a medical condition is ruled out, the thing to look at are changes in your home.

Has someone moved in or out? Are there any new pets, or has a pet recently died?  Many dogs are very sensitive to changes in the household.

Has there been a change in your household's routine? Has someone in the family got a new job or change working hours or other habits? Does the dog have to wait longer to be taken outside? Has the walking or feeding schedule been changed?

Have you been under stress? When a dog's owner is feeling stressed, this is usually telegraphed to the dog, making her nervous in turn.

Best of luck,