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My dog wont come when called

19 9:46:56


sunka & me
Hi Kristen,
Thanks for taking some time reading this and possibly help and my friend.  First of his name is Sunka, he is a mixed breed, possibly jack russell and poodle, looks somewhat like a westie, but vet doesn' think so.  He is two years old and I have had this problem for a long time, and have tried many things.  I have owned dogs throughout my life, just never one like him.  He is 15 pounds, most of my previous friends have been big dogs.  I have never been mean to him, nor have I ever hit him to punish him.  Bad boy is all that it seemed to take if he ever did anything wrong, which hasn't been much.  Here is the problem, when on a leash, or long lead, he will always come when I call, but when off the leash, all bets are off.  I have tried a variety of things, food, very, very tempting food, sweet voice, excited voice, running (to make a game of it) try to go to him (works the worst, he just moves away), use a firm voice, nothing.  He won't go far, but he will just stay out of reach and not move, he will just sit and look at me.  He looks like he is afraid, his ears go down, he cringes, like he is afraid.  Sunka is with me all day, he comes to work with me.  I work in a residential treatment center, he has the run of the place.  When inside work or anywhere, he follows me everywhere.  If we are separated, like if I go to my car, he barks until I return.  Which is why this so perplexing.  At times he will come when other people call him, but most of the time he won't.  It doesn't matter if we are inside or outside.  At times this is worrisome.  I don't always want to keep him on leash, especially in the yard.  What I am not sure about is why he acts afraid of me.  Oh and I'm not sure if this is important, but he is not very affectionate, like my past dogs.  He sits with me all the time and wants to be near me, but he doesn't ask to be petted or lick.  He likes it when I scratch him or pet him, rolls over to get belly rubs, (he really likes that), but he doesn't go out of his to like nudge my hand or anything like that.  All in all he is pretty low maintenance.  I did get him from a local rescue as a puppy.  He had come from a puppy mill, he wasn't very socialized with people when I got him, but working with 17 people all day, and being as cute as he was, he warmed up quickly to others.  Any help you can give me would be greatly appreciated.  So far, two trainers have given up on him and stated to just keep him leashed.  I could do that, I am just concerned why he acts so afraid when I call him to come or when others do.  

A good way to start off leash work to to put a leash on him,but just let him drag it,and when you want him to come,just pick up the leash and say 'come'

Another good thing for a dog like this is to go to obedience classes,as it's actually a good confidence booster. Also a trainer can show you various ways of solving problems you are having with him

So trying these two things will greatly improve his issues