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Cairn Terrier puppy

19 10:53:50

I have a Cairn terrier puppy 10 months old that is driving me nuts with urinating in the house. We seem to have broken the pooping in the house for the most part but there have been occasional mistakes (no big problem there) but no mater how often I let him out (I work from home and let him out several times a day - no less than 10) he still pees by the front door - the bathroom and the back door. I shampoo with pet odor stuff regularly - I get him outside and then clean up with pet odor stuff. I originally trained him on a leash to go out in a specific area in our yard and gave him treats when he did well but he's regressed it seems even though I stillpraise him when I catch him going outside. We also have a 3 year old female golden retriever who wonderfully caught on to house training within 4 months - any suggestions?

Terriers are pretty tough as a rule to house train. You really have to stick with them.
Put him back on a strict schedule, either crate or restrict him to a smaller area, Stick with it for at least a month, Make him earn his time out by pottying where he's supposed to and give him lots of praise for doing it RIGHT. Ignore the mistakes. Is he neutered? If you not you are already in trouble so have it done asap. No food after five pm, no water after midnight
good luck