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Vaginal discharge from my Doberman

19 10:25:41

I have a Doberman who will be 4 in March.  Up until a few months ago she seemed to be fine.  Then we found out that she had a high level of copper in her bloodstream.  Since then she has been on several different medications plus a new brand of dog food.  Thankfully, she is getting better.  Today I noticed a milky colored discharge coming from her vagina.  My vet was not opened when I noticed this or I would have taken her in.  Is it possible that she could have a yeast infection?  Or, could there be something else that we need to be concerned with?

Hi Melinda,

It's totally possible that your dog a yeast infection or a case of Vaginitis.
Vaginitis is an inflammation or infection of the vagina. It can be brought on or caused by problems occurring within the vagina, or be secondary to conditions elsewhere in the body. It is a fairly common disorder in dogs of all ages.

Of course, only your veterinarian can take a culture and make a determination of your dog's condition. So even though your dog doesn't have a life threatening condition, she still needs to be examined, and treated.

Best of luck,
