Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > skunks


19 11:03:07

My dog likes to get skunked. I live out on a large ranch, and I like to keep her inside. Everytime I leave her unwatched for a minute, she takes off and returns skunked. This has happened many times. Other then cageing her up when out or tieing is there any way to break that desire to stink?

Usually once they are sprayed they learn,what sometimes works is to take the dog out on a long lead and every time she takes off,call her back to your side,and give her a treat every time she comes back to you

Sometimes if a skunk gets the dog in the eyes they might learn,but other times they think it's a game-but if you reward her for ignoring wildlife and coming to instead she will think it's better to be with you instead of the skunks