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Pain in Dogs

19 14:03:33

Hi Lee,

My question is, do dogs show pain?? I have a 12.5yr old Rhodesian Ridgeback (male) and he has always been a big baby. 3 yrs ago we had a little girl (who our dog tolerates) but in the past 2 weeks he has biten her (she loves to cuddle him). We have now isolated him in another part of the house,(which Im feeling very bad/sad about). He has neuromuscular problems in his back legs and often gets up from sitting very slowly and if he moves to quickly they sometimes give out on him. He also has a large lump (size of tennis ball) under right front armpit (which a vet told us was a fatty lump) but it has grown quite big since then. His mind is still functioning great, its his body that getting tired.
Do you think he is in pain??

Kind Regards


All I will say is that yes dogs do show pain and feel pain much like we do; however, they can tolerate it more. I can't say that your dog is in pain but you should be able to tell by the way he is acting. Talk with your veterinarian about it and possible pain medications. Hope this helps.