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old dog toilet

19 11:37:48

My cocker spaniel Henry is 13 years old and has recently started needing to go to the toilet (poo) at 4 or 5 o'clock in the mornings. We take him out in the evenings when he normally goes as well so its not as if he doesn't actually do anything during the day. I don't understand why he seems to suddenly need to go then as well. As now he appears to need 2 or 3 poos a day whereas before he only seemed to do 1. Please can you advise me. Thank you.

Hi Marie;
Have you talked with your Veterinarian about this?
It doesn't sound normal. I have been through the opld dog experience a bunch of times, and have never had that problem, so it makes me think there is a medical reason for this.
I would take him in to his Vet right away.