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ailing peek a poo

19 14:03:34

For the fourth time in about a 2 year span, my peek a poo, Peaches is hiding under my bed.  Ive had her to the vet twice over this and when he examined her, he found nothing.  He felt it was a strain.  We have her on Chondroflex.  I had recently gone away for 4 days and she acted fine before I left, but when I returned, she was slightly favoring her left rear leg.  The following day, she was pacing, walk a few steps then sit down, she also isnt carrying her tail over her back like she normally does.  I know she is in pain and this is really tearing my heart apart.  She shows interest in food and will drink, when she isnt under my bed.  With this episode, she is whining a little.  So many things are racing through my head: cancer, heartworm, tumors, worm infestation, arthritis.  My vet ruled out hip dysplasia, she does have luxating patellas.  When she was an older pup, over 6 mo.'s less than 1 yr., she had been accidently kicked by a running kid.  The weather where I live is rainy at the moment, and to be that way for up to a week, she seems to feel worse when the early evening approaches and with the incoming frontal systems.  My pretty little angel eyes is only 6 1/2 yrs. of age.  I would really like to keep her around for a few more years.  Based upon the book I just wrote, what do you think? Please hurry, my heart is aching for her.

Thanks in advance for any advice you offer.


Hi Renee,
Is there a possibility that someone or something could have harmed Peaches while you were gone?  It seems odd to me that she was fine, then when you go away and return she is favoring her leg and whimpering.  Please check on that.

If you are sure that no harm has come to her, then she may just be one of those dogs that has a really hard time with separation from their owner.  It's called separation anxiety.  This can be quite stressful to our pets, but I cannot imagine that it would cause her to limp. The physical symptoms make me wonder what is going on besides her just missing you.  The injury she received as a puppy should not be still bothering her, although it's hard for me to say since I cannot really see her.

Another thing, is that dogs just like humans can have psychological problems.  She may be very nervous andor neurotic and sleeping under your bed calms her.  It's really hard to say.  I would go upon the advice of your vet since he can actually see her and examine her.  I certainly hope it works out for you as she sounds like a very sweet dog who truly loves you.  

God Bless,