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My four month old shitzu has...

19 14:15:41

My four month old shitzu has been eating ,not only her own,but also my three month old kitten's feces also.Why does she do this and what can I do to stop her?

Hello Angela,  In most cases believe it or not it's because she likes it.  Likes the taste and she finds something appealing about the smell.  Hopefully she will grow out of it.  Although my dogs still steel a tootsie roll out of the litter box every so often.  There are products on the market specifically designed to stop the appeal of feces.  Usually its directed at putting it, the powder, on your cats food so that when it comes out it is less appealing to your dog.  This might also work vice versa.  Check your local pet store for this item.  Some people have had success using garlic or brewers yeast.  The brewers yeast will also give your pet some flea protection.  Good Luck, Cindy Lou :)  The only alternative would to be diligent about cleaning up after each pet more often than usual.  Thus taking away the opportunity and supply of feces.