Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > FOLLOW UP Dogs Swollen Abdomen

FOLLOW UP Dogs Swollen Abdomen

19 10:27:31

Hi, I'm sorry for asking again but I just asked you a question recently (a follow up question) and I was sent a link to see your response that you sent to me at the middle of the night last night but I couldn't find the answer anywhere and was hoping you would be able to re-send the answer. Please do? I would totally appreciate it. Every time I open the "Dog's Swollen Abdomen" I keep seeing my question, then your response the first time around, I need to see the second one. Maybe I made the mistake of putting in the same subject so that's why I'm changing it a little bit. Thanks again.

We are required to answer (or decline) all questions, comments, etc., otherwise bugs us about them. We cannot simply ignore them (nor do we ever get to see anyone's email addy). With your comments and there being no real question last night, I felt my best response was to give you a "You're Welcome" response since you had thanked me for my previous answer, so you really didn't miss anything that I had written. It most definitely was nothing profound*G*! :)  

All of the following responses that we have to select from are "automated", except for the first Option and first Auto-Rejection. (See below)

o Answer this question.
o Email this question to me so I can consider this further.
o Send the questioner a <You're Welcome> note.

Auto Rejections:
Click on one of these, to send an instant rejection email and remove the question from your pending queue. Use these options so the questioner can't rate your answer.

o Explain to the questioner why you can't answer this question.
o Sorry, this is outside my expertise.
o This is a duplicate question. I've answered it before.
o I don't understand the question / There is no question here.
o This is a rude, non-serious question.
o This is one followup too many.
o This question is too long and involved for me to help with.
o I believe this is a homework question.
o Send this question to the Question Pool.