Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > chihuahua


19 9:41:11

I have a 1 y/o Chihuahua that is so fearful of everyone in the house it isn't funny. He has been like this from day one. We got him when he was about 8 wks. He pees in the house and in his shelter no matter how much we take him outside. We hold some food for him he'll walk up to about 2 or 3 inches from the food then he turns and runs away. He will sometimes jump in our lap when we aren't looking at him but if we look at him prior to him jumping up, he runs. If we walk towards him, he squats and pees.

Hi Dennis,
some dogs are very sensitive to sound.  If you are a loud speaker or yeller (like me) a sensitive dog like a Chi hua hua can become fearful.  I want you to start speaking in a whisper when you address your dog....(of course I am going on the premise that no one has ever teased or been mean to this dog, since you had him since 8 weeks) Also, when you tempt him with a treat do not make eye contact, in fact what i would do is sit in a chair so your back is to the dog and let your arm dangle down by your side with the treat in your will basically not be able to see him come up to you...if he comes up and takes the treat, whisper  to him that he is good boy.   Also,  go to the store and buy a plug in pheromone unit that gives calming rays out to your dog. (this tool is becoming very popular for dogs afraid of thunder, too).  Plug this in wherever and whenever you are trying to give him food.  Unplug it when you are not trying to attract him.
If he does not take the food from your hand, then start by dropping small bits on the floor.  Now, I would use turkey tenderloins grilled with garlic,, or hotdogs, or liverwurst,  those three foods are called "high paychecks" for a dog...Now your dog may prefer something different so use what ever his absolute favorite is.  Also, he NEVER gets this treat unless you hand feed it to him....DO NOT TRY AND PICK HIM UP AT THIS TIME...The first contact should be with the hand you are feeding him with (a very light touch with one finger) until he doesn't flinch, then after awhile you will be able to touch more.  ok recap:

pheromone  plug in (to be used whenever you are training)

whisper   so he has to really listen to hear you    also keep your voice down

pay check  something he really loves as a treat...

if none of these work,  you may ask the vet for an anti anxiety med, until he calms down

let me know how you make out