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stubborn poodle

19 10:20:55

We adopted a 4 year old miniature poodle about 5 months ago.  At first, we crated her at night, but she hated it (the crate in general, at all times).  So, after about a month or two, we allowed her to sleep in our son's room on the floor in a dog bed.  However, after several months, she has become a problem, roaming around at unacceptable hours and twice eliminating on the bedroom floor.  Therefore, we are now crating her again.  She is fighting us every step of the way.  We are working hard to get her to accept the crate as a good place to be.  We crate her several times a day when we're home and give her treats and praise when she is quiet (which isn't much!).  However, every night, she barks when we put her to bed.  It can last anywhere from 1/2 hour to 3 hours and we're all getting tired.  It has been two weeks and she isn't getting much better.  We never give in, but it is getting very difficult.  Is there anything else we can do?

Hi Laura,

Having really tried to crate your dog, maybe it's time to try an  alternative, at least for the over night time.

Have you tried confining your dog to part of a room with the help of a child gate or two? There are also indoor dog pens, which are a little larger than a crate, which can be used to contain a dog, such as this one:

With no floor or ceilings in these indoor pens, it might decrease the feelings and anxiety associated with being enclosed in a small space. It allows the dog to feel that they are not caged but instead just restricted.

Best of luck,
