Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Frotn Right leg pain

Frotn Right leg pain

19 11:33:54

QUESTION: My one year old german shepherd has been limping for five days.  He doesnt want to put pressure on the right front leg yet when he is lying down we are able to inspect the paw and leg without him showing any signs of pain or discomfort.  I finally ventured out to the muscular area above his leg and he shows definite signs of pain.  Does this sound like a muscle/nerve injury?  and what course of action do you recommend?

ANSWER: Gently feel for an area that feels warmer than the surrounding area. I recommend icing that for 20 minutes on, 20 minutes off, and 20 minutes on a couple times a day. Put a light cloth underneath the ice so that it doesn't get too cold. Be sure to keep him quiet so that he isn't stressing that injury further.

You might want to look for a veterinary chiropractor in your area to see if this is an issue can be resolved through manipulation or helped with acupuncture.  


---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: How long do you think this injury will take to heal?  and do should he be restricted to "restroom" activity only? thanks

I cannot answer that question as I am not a vet, nor do I have a clue what his problem is.... and absolutely no one can diagnose by way of the internet.

Yes, I would restrict him to potty breaks only and see if rest and ice don't improve his condition in a few days. If it is only a strain or a bruise, he should improve. I would still look for a chiropractic vet if I were you.
