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Retraining a Yorkie

19 13:36:21

I recently bought a Yorkie pup.  He is now 11 weeks old.  He was really good about peeing on the pad, not so good with his poop.  He also was sleeping and napping in his crate with no problem.  Well 5 days ago he was diagnoised with Parvo, where he had to remain in the care of the Vet, where he was weak and relieved himself in the kennel.  We brought him home and of course he will not go on the pad or sleep in his crate without whining.  Will he adjust back to his normal routine after he has been home for a couple of days? Or will I have to retrain all over again.

Hi Crystal,

Thank you for writing to me about your sweet Yorkie pup.  I am so sorry that he has had to go through illness and hospitilization at the start of his life.  It sounds like he will recover however, which is really great.

I am afraid that you will have to start his puppy housebreaking all over again.  He may catch on much sooner, the second time around.  Be very very patient with him.  If he has been or still is on medication, it may effect his bladder control or cause a certain amount of disorientation.

You will be successful with puppy housebreaking him again.  Just be very consistant.

Best of luck,
Shelley Davis