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How Would A Pomeranian seizure......

19 10:25:04

I was just wondering how a Pomeranian would act after a seizure? Do you think it's normal for her to be like almost useless for a couple of days?

Hi Brenda,

After a seizure, a dog is said to be in the "postictus" stage of the seizure. Many times it's the only sign an owner sees, particularly since many seizures occur at night or early in the morning. For minutes to days after the seizure, the dog may be confused, disoriented, restless, or unresponsive, or may wander or suffer from transient blindness. At this stage the animal is conscious but not functional.

If your dog has had more than one seizure within a period of a week or less, he or she needs to be examined by your veterinarian. Untreated seizure disorders can kill a dog, or leave it with brain damage.

Best of luck,
