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pooping og

19 10:25:24

My 24 year left his dog of 7 years old with me one year ago and had the nerve to get another dog who is now a year old. My son is back home recently with his new untrained dog. She is the sweetest dog and doesn't like being alone but still has nothing to do with her pooping. I walk both dogs at the same time and she wont poop until we get back into the house. I found poop in the room they sleep when waking this morning. She also poops outside on my deck. Can you give me advice....Salena

Hi Salena,

It would help to walk the dogs separately, so you can offer praise the moment she relieves herself outside. The moment she "goes" outside give her a small treat, and offer praise.

If she doesn't go to the bathroom during the walk, she should not have the run of your house upon returning from the walk. Either put her in her crate, or confine her to part of a room with the help of a child gate or two. Lay a thick layer of newspaper over the entire floor of the containment area, so clean ups will be easier, should an accident occur. In 15 or 20 minutes, take the dog out again for another try.

Give the dog frequent walks, so she doesn't have the opportunity to soil in your house. Until she is reliably house trained she should not have the run of your home, because she can't be trusted. She must be confined when you can't be watching her.

You'll also want to remove all odors from areas where she has had an accident.  A dog may be triggered to go to the bathroom indoors by the smell of the spot where it previously went.  A dog's sense of smell is 200 times greater than a human nose! Clean the areas of your home where the dog has soiled with an enzymatic cleaner such as Nature's Miracle Stain & Odor Remover.

It would be a good idea to have a talk with your son, who needs to take responsibility for animals he adopts.

Best of luck,
