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a older dog and a puppy.....and their food

19 9:48:09

I have a one year old Pekingnese and I have recently started him on Adult food. But I also just got a puppy who is part blue heeler and part red heeler he is about three months old....I have been feeding him puppy food and am wondering if he eats my older dogs food will it be harmful to him? I am still on planning to feed the puppy puppy food but he doesn't always stay to his own food dish....


Hi Melissa,

Puppies need the extra nutrition of a puppy food diet, because they're still growing. Some brands of dog food say "for all stages of life", meaning they can safely be fed to growing pups, or adult dogs.  It won't hurt your older dog to eat the puppy's food, but it can make him fat.

Try separating your two dogs during meal time, so each gets the correct food and also the correct amount of food.

Best of luck,