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19 13:37:06

hey their im leaving my dog that is 6 months old at a day care for 2 months
beacuse were leaving for vacation out of the country and i would like to know
that will my dog forget me or not love me as much? beacuse i heard they never forget thier owners

Hello Sim, Your puppy is young, but dogs do not seem to know time like we do.  Give your puppy tons of love between now and then and I am sure your puppy will remember you and the kind loving treatment you gave.  I only see dogs usually every 6 to 8 weeks for a grooming appointment and yes they do remember me and they have only seen  me for an hour or so, what they remember most is the kindness I show and give them.  Even if your puppy matures some and acts a little different when you return, within a day or so things will return to the way it was before you left.  Have patience and things will work out.  Enjoy your trip.  Thanks for asking;, Cindy Lou :)