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Tasha has a bad attitude

19 10:38:34

My dog has a bad aggression problem, she always gets into the garbage and when we discipline her she growls at us and tries to attack us. When she gets into trouble she runs to her kennel and whenever our other animals get in the way she attacks them but doesnt hurt them, yet. i dont want her to hurt our other animals or us. she also has a kennel and when she gets garbage she runs down there and hides in her kennel, when we try to get it away from her she tries to attack us. I usuall just grab a mop or a broom and drag her out with it to get the garbage. but she is really mean sometime, what should i do? the mop thing isnt helping.

Hi Teagan,

No disrespect intended, but either put the trash can where she cannot continue to do this or get a different trash can-with a lock. They are sold anywhere there are child proofing supplies.

Disciplining may seem like it makes sense but it is deriding the relationship with you and your dog. Manage her environment, teach her to out things on command, and as you have discovered correcting results in even more undesirable behavior.

The other thing you may want to look at is making sure her diet is correct and or if she needs to be dewormed. The only time my malinois ever stole food off the counter, worms were the culprit.

There's a great book called "The Power of Positive Training" that I think you will get a lot from.