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dog grooming clippers

19 14:07:43

What clipper would you advise for someone who wants to groom
their dog at home.  I have a kerry blue terrier, but don't do a show
cut.  I bought a $50 pair of clippers recommended at the pet
supply store, but they only bog down in the coat.

You will need a clipper that has interchangable blades...such as the Oster A5 clipper. They usually run 120 bucks or so. This way you could use the metal blades for the shorter areas (head, ears, back..) and then snap on a plastic comb for the longer areas..legs and belly.  One very important key when grooming-the dogs must be clean and combed out.  Especially when using the snap on combs. These combs will not glide through matted hair. If the coat is matted you can get through it will a metal blade, but the coat will be short. Dirty hair doesn't cut well and it will dull your blades very quickly. Also, if you are going to demat the dog, do it before the bath. Bathing will only tighten them up and make them harder to get out.  Good Luck to you.