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One month old puppies. (Feeding)

19 10:21:34

My puppies are constipated. They are only eating from the mother. The mother has had diaarrhea but seems to be getting a little better now. She doesn't seem to nurse them as often either. What type of food and how can I prepare it for the puppies to help them with this problem?


Try mixing some wet puppy food and warm goats milk, along with a few tablespoons of canned pumpkin and let the babies eat that. Also, you can whipe their bottoms with a warm wash cloth to help stimulate them to poop. The canned pumpkin will help flush their systems out- just give it for two days or so and then go to a good high quality puppy food soaked in goats milk or hot water so it is nice and warm and mushy. After a few days it can get less and less mushy until they are eating solid food :)

Good luck!