Pet Information > ASK Experts > Dogs > Dogs > Maltese


19 10:26:58

QUESTION: We have a maltese dog Chloe who is female and will be 4 yrs old. we loved the breed so much we decided to get another maltese from the same breeder. This new pup has the same parents as chloe. We named him Alvin, and he is now 6 months old and is lately becoming very agressive with chloe. Chloe is very mellow and Alvin is his name. Can you advise us if we should be concerned with the constant bullying of chloe.

ANSWER: Has Alvin been neutered yet?  That may take care of the problem.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Alvin has not yet been done it is in the works, but chloe is spayed and has been since 6 months........Do you really think that will help the agression?

It's a good start.  Testosterone will be cut down dramatically.  Prior to Alvin getting fixed, if he gets too aggressive with Chloe, I'd separate them.  Don't give him the opportunity to be aggressive with Chloe and reward him when they're in the same area and he's being good.