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Dominant/Agressive Behavior

19 14:17:01

Hi Shelley,

I have a 2 1/2 year papillonX who recently has been demonstrating increasingly agressive behavior (chasing, barking) towards my cat, whom he has loved and adored since puppyhood.  My cat has always been unusually tolerant of the dog's behavior (even allowing himself to be dragged across the lawn without protest).  I thought it was similar to "sibling rivalry"; left alone, they would work it out between them, but the dog is interfering with the cat's ability to enjoy his home.  The aggressive behavior is sporadic - the dog is at times very loving with the cat and will "protect" him from unknown cats and dogs that enter the property.  Any advice you can give me is greatly appreciated.  

Hi Cricket (great name!)

I would love to be able to offer a lot of suggestions but I am not an inter species aggresssion specialist...and I do think that you need one...or at least a behavorist to come to your home and evaluate the situation in person and make recommendations.

There are a few suggestions that I can offer to you.  One is that I do believe that your dog views the cat as if he were another dog.  Unfortunately, your cat seems unwilling to use his claws to maintain his own safety.  

My accessment of what you have described would have me caution you to monitor your dog's behavior around your cat in order to prevent a tragedy from happening.  At any point, things could turn and your cat could be viewed by your dog, as prey! Never, ever, leave them alone.  I knew a dog that seemingly loved a pet rabbit, and then one day when the home owners were away, the dog killed the rabbit.  It was a tragic experience for all concerned, especially the rabbit.

I don't mean to sound like doom and gloom but my instinct tells me that trouble could be lurking and I am very glad that you are seeking some answers.  I believe those answers should be given by a professional behavorist after an in-home evaluation.

Fortunately, your dog is a papillon and not a large dog with a lot of jaw power.  I would, however,  still urge caution in your situation.

Please let me know what happens as I am very curious about how you decid to resolve this issue.

Shelley Davis