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My Dog Hates my Puppy

19 9:51:56

We Have Just Brought home a 9 week old Female Lab puppy and we already have 2 older dogs, 1 - 12 year old Female Staffie and 1 - 8 year old male collie. the staffie is loving for the pup but the collie cant stand it. When we our around it he is loving but the moment hes of a leash with the pup he puts her to ground and bites he.
What Should I Do?

Dear Daniel,

Thank you for writing to me about the aggression displayed by your Collie toward you Lab puppy.

Please do not allow your puppy to be abused by your Collie.  You may end up with a host of problems, including an aggressive Lab. It is up to you to protect this innocent puppy who is emotionally and physically fragile.

The first step would be to contact a trainer/behavorist after speaking with your vet for possible recommendations.  Be very careful to choose a trainer who uses positive reinforcement.  If you are crate training your puppy, and that would be a wise thing to do, the crate would offer a protective "safe house" for your dog.  Until the trainer starts working with you and the situation at hand, do not let the Collie anywhere near your puppy.

I wish you the very best of luck.

Shelley Davis