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skin tag on eye lid

19 9:52:50

Our 10 year old lab has a skin tag on her eye lid. We think a cream in that area would be dangerous. Have you ever heard of a old time remedy of wrapping a thin thread or floss around it until it drops off. We've heard it might take a couple days and is suppose to be safe.

Yes, I have heard of that technique being used on people; have not heard of it being used on animals.  

Is the skin tag bothering the dog NOW?  If not, I would leave it alone.  If it is, then I suppose you could try the thread, but how will you keep it out of the dog's eye, and more than likely the dog will not like the feeling of the thread and try to paw it off, which could end up tearing the skin tag off.

As I say, if it's not causing the dog a problem, leave it alone.  I also would suggest contacting your vet if you feel it needs to come off.  Something like this might be done easily in the vet's office.