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what breed is the best for me?

19 9:46:18

I'm 15 years old and i live in a apartment.My whole life i wanted a dog but parents are not big fans of them so they didn't let me have one.But now i've got the change to get one and that's because we are moving to argentina for good the next year.There, we are going to live in an apartment to and the climate there is prety hot.I like to have a medium or a big size dog and i'm willing to spend time with my dog(walking him ,training e.t.c.)Also my mam doesn't like to see fur all over the house but i don't thing that this is a problem even with long hair dogs if i groom him every day.I have in me mind huskies but i don't know if they can stand the hit of buenos aires , and ofcourse  if i am capable to own a dog like that.I'm a really energetic person and i wiil be the one that take care of the the dog and i won't let it to my, pleaze help me choose the right breed for me.

Huskies are generally too active and vocal for an apartment,but you might want to look into a Shiba Inu,which is a medium dog and looks like a husky,but is less active,and more suited to the heat as they come from Japan. So i think the Shiba Inu would be the perfect dog for you to look into