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12 year old and a puppy

19 11:36:48

will a 12 year old girl be able to train a 2 month old puppy, black lab mix? she is pretty responsible and loves animals. she obviously wont be able to be with it during the school days. so do you think it would be a good idea??

It's a well known fact that no matter how responsible a child is,  the parents will pick up the bulk of the work with a dog.  The dog will need out for walks,  and need it's mess cleaned up while she is at school. It will need to be toilet trained, and taught basic obedience. So the answer is.  If you are happy helping with toilet training (an eight week old pup will need to go about once every 2-4 hours) cleaning up poo and pee throughout the day,  and making sure the dog is trained correctly then your set. Puppies chew, pee, poo, bark, play bite, keep you up at night,  and need walked a few times every day.  If you think the girl is up to it then it's all good.