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What is better for us, male or female dog?

19 9:19:15

I don't know exactly where I should ask this, so I thought I would try you!

We are getting a Miniature Poodle, and my question is, would it be better to get a female or a male? There is a huge German Shepherd that lives behind us (named Marco) and before when I was dog sitting a female dog, he got really upset and he would bark whenever she would even pass by the fence. Would it make a different of what gender our puppy is? Or will Marco just always bark when we get a puppy? What do you think? Would a female puppy make him more upset then a male?


Hi Maria,

Thank you for writing to me about adding a new dog to your family. I don't think that the dog you decide to get should be based on your neighbor's dog, but more on your own family's needs.  

I urge you to adopt rather than buy a dog.  Miniature Poodle rescue groups have lovely dogs to offer that are already house broken and will be loyal companions. You will be saving a life rather than adding to the sorry of the breeding industry where the breeding dogs live in deplorable conditions and the puppies are often genetically challenged.

I also urge you to spay/neuter your dog as well.

Marco is likely lonely and just wanted to play with your female visitor.  However, if he is unneutered and she was also, that would contribute greatly to the Marco's anxiety.

Find yourself a wonderful Minature Poodle rescue dog, either male or female that will bring joy to your life for years to come.

Best regards,
Shelley Davis