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9 month Old Yorkie with such Alpha problem SO bad hes biting me, his owner...getting worse with time. ;(

19 9:19:14

I got a male Yorkie pup in December. I had another for 17 years that was such a perfect behavior dog. Harley, is such an Alpha male that he vicously growls, barks, and bites ME, his owner, when he gets picked up from outside to inside, he doesnt want to go, but must.Any change he doesnt want provokes.this behavior towards me, it is odd because he does love me. I have to leave him home and he attacks me, hard for me to hold him or crate him. He WAS crate trained until this behavior got worse. The older he gets, the worse it gets. People do not want to be around him
He wants to be outside alot, but barks at all cars and all people. I have had trainers, the breeder, several people trying to help. I am NOT afraid of him, but it is a problem thats getting much worse. I live alone, so he is in the perfecr setting. Hes very smart, but what can a person who has tried everything do. The people i got him from offered me another Dog, i love him, but am REALLY concerned as this behavior is getting worse as he ages,not better. Should i switch dogs, PLEASE help!

         Thanks so much! Sheri

Since you have tried training etc.  I won't go through that again, but when he bites you in the future I want you to put your hand around his neck under his chin (so he can't bite you)  and put him on his back until he submits.  He must be completely submissive before you let him up, which means he must stay there even when you are not holding him until you say he can get up calmly.
I also want you to make an appointment with a vet to take an Xray of his head to see if he has a brain tumor.  I am sorry to frighten you, but I have seen this twice before and it was a tumor.

I also want you to ask the vet for either prosaic or clomicalm, which is a similar brain chemical altering aid.  I think if you will see improvement with this, if not it could be something else going on.
Please let me know what you find out.