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a grooming nick

19 14:01:33

I have a female Pomeranian, about 4 years old and a male whio is 6.  We live in a suburb of Chicago. Yesterday we used a mobile grooming service and I asked that she cut down the fur on their butts so that they would be easier to keep clean. I also told her that I didn't need a professional cut on the Poms, because I am more interested in them being clean and comfortable than how they look. About 1/2 hour after my female came in, she bgan to scoot across the patio.  I noticed that she had what looked like a deep cut in her vulva and it was bulging out of the cut, blood red in color. I went to the vet to get some panalog ointment, which I have found works well for certain skin problems.  I washed her with clear water each time she urinated and applied the panalog,but it didn't help her.  So some hours later, I got her to the vet and he said it did look like a nick from the clippers and gave her a shot of antihistamine and sprayed her little sore with lidocane.  She finally got to sleep last night and this morning it seemed slightly less red, but as the day went on, she slept a lot and when she was awake she seemed horribly bothered by the gash.  I am afraid she might be reopening the cut with all of her rubbing and scooting and the last couple of hours, she seems like she is just beside herself, crying, rubbing her little bottom and unable to do anything but obsess on the cut.  She has primary liver disease, so the vet was hesitant to use steroids on her, but I am thinking of possibly trying some cortisone cream to see if it wold give her some relief. The vet is closed for the night now, and I am searching for something else I can do to help her.  I continue to wash her gently after she urinates and apply the ointment, but at this rate, I am not sure either one of us will sleep.  I know she needs to poop, and she will not forget her cut for even long enough to do that.  I intend to call the vet in the AM and see if there is anything else he can do for her.  Any ideas on what i can do for her?? Is it possible something like this is more serious than we first thought?  thanks,

It sure is a bad place to get nicked just because it can be so easily irritated. Such an easy place to lick, scoot, rub..etc.. I would just keep doing what your doing with keeping her clean, but you could also apply an ointment and then make some panties for her.  Use little boys underwear, and put her tail through the fly (or cut a hole in girls panties) That way it is covered and she won't be able to irritate it more with licking and rubbing. The vet isn't going to be able to do much more for you...except charge you $$$$.  If you use this groomer again, make sure to mention it before she grooms again.