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is my chihuahua sick?

19 10:18:13

recently my chi has developed like a cyst on its forehead,its on the skin and not irritating was smaller but now it enlarged a bit, you can see it easily on it,it has like a little white in its colour! can it be harmful??

Hi Daniela,

There's no way of knowing what kind of growth your dog has without your veterinarian looking at it. Most of these sort of cysts are not cancerous, but it's best to have your veterinarian examine it if it seems to be getting larger, or if it's worrying you.

Sebaceous cysts are fairly common in dogs, they are really just blocked oil glands that can swell to alarming proportions. But they're usually completely harmless. If the cyst pops, clean the area with Betadine or a mild antiseptic solution and apply antibiotic ointment, and keep an eye on it. You shouldn't pop or drain a cyst yourself. Sometimes, draining a cyst cause scar tissue, which can make the cyst seem larger, or the skin to become thicker.

If it's an infected sebaceous cyst, the same applies, only have your veterinarian take a look at it, as your dog may need oral antibiotics.

Best of luck,