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deciding between Std. Poodle & Boxer

19 14:00:48

My husband and I are going back & forth between adopting a standard poodle puppy and a boxer puppy.  Do you have any opinions, negative or positive about your particular experience with either breed?  In your grooming experience, how common are weeping eyes among the Standard Poodles you've groomed?  Is it like more than 1 in 2 have chronic weepy eyes?  What can you say about temperament on either breed?

We are looking for a dog that is good with small children, though we do not have children yet.
-not jumpy
-good guard dog
-calm if given daily walks
-not barky


Hello, Wow either would be a great choice.  Let me give you my opinion on the differences.  A boxer will be less cost as far as maintenance, A Std. Poodle can run you up to $90 in grooming fees every 6 weeks.  Neither shed much.  Boxers generally never tear, Mostly only white or apricot poodles tear.  And this can be cleared up with a daily powder put in their food, it can be found at  Either one can be excitable as a puppy, but settle down with training and age.  Both will be good with children if again you check their parents background first for temperment and train and expose them at an early age to children.  A standard poodle may be larger than a boxer.  For a child's dog, my choice would be a boxer.  They are very good dog's and love to retrieve.  Ask yourself, does grooming cost matter?  Is size an issue?  These are the only two varibles I can think of, either dog is a great choice and if trained right you cant go wrong with either choice.  Good Luck, Cindy lou :)