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my Akita is off it

19 10:42:14

i have a 18 month old akita but over the last couple of days she is being all mardy and whinging and is carry a ball around with her, which is not normal behavior for her, have you any idea what could be wrong with her?

Hi Paul,

You didn't say if your dog has been spayed or not. If she hasn't, and recently had a heat cycle, there is a chance that she's having a false pregnancy.

A dog going through false pregnancy will engage in nesting activity (mothering inanimate objects) and can even like she's pregnant. She may also show some swelling in her mammary glands about five weeks after their heat cycle has ended. If this sounds like your dog, you should know that most false pregnancies wrap up over a period of three weeks with no treatment.

If your dog has been spayed, then the ball just might be a security toy, and the reason why she's suddenly feeling as though she needs it might remain a mystery.

Try increasing the amount of exercise your dog is getting during each day. Exercise is not only great for the body, it's also mentally stimulating for dogs. If she's a little more tired out at the end of the day than usual, she might take a break form the ball.

Best of luck,
