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Paper/LitterBox Training

19 14:04:36

Dear Becky,

I've had my 10 week old cockapoo for just a few days now and (so far) things are going very well.  However, I'm a little worried about her bladder.  Most of the question postings are about puppies going too much/too often/all over the house, but my pup seems to go too infrequently. I have her in a little pen in the kitchen with me.  She has her crate in the pen, the litterbox (with a pee pad in it) and some toys.  She sleeps in her crate at night, but I move it in the bedroom with me.  She's never had an accident in her crate or in her pen (knock on wood!). She sleeps through the night w/o needing to go.  During the day, she's pretty good about going in the litter box, and I praise her like crazy and give her a treat when she does. But, she only goes potty 3-4 times in a 24 hour period (max).  I don't let her out of the pen to play with me until I know she's gone, but she just never seems to need to go.  She can hold it for (literally) hours and hours. She has access to food and water all the time, and seems to be eating and drinking plenty.  I'm just a little worried that she'll burst her little bladder or something.  She's had a couple of accidents in the house when I have let her out, so I know she prefers to 'go' somewhere other than the litterbox. Do you think she's viewing the whole pen as her den and is hesitant to 'go' there?  I'm just a little concerned about her. Should I be?  Any suggestions? Thanks so much!  


Your concern is what most people would LOVE!  LOL   I really think as long as she is eating, drinking, playing and acting like a normal puppy, that you should thank God that she is so good at not having lots of mistakes!  Yes, her pen is like her "den" so she may be a bit hesitant, but if she really has to "go", she will!  I think you are doing a great job housebreaking her and are worrying way too much.  Keep praising her when she uses  the litter box and it sounds to me like she will be housebroken completely in no time!  You should pat yourself on the back for doing a Great job!

God Bless,