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female dog urinating in home

19 10:17:41

hello i have a female staff who's nearly 3yrs
the problem is she urinates in my home; on my bed, sofa, her bed anywhere really, she tends to do this when I'm out shopping, she does have alot of attention as I'm home everyday, i have 2 young children 4 and 2 yrs.
i really don't know why she does this because i take her for long walks 2-3 times a day and i make sure shes been a toilet before she comes in.
thank you

Hi Jo,

You didn't say if your dog has ever been reliably house trained, or not. If the accidents are a fairly new occurrence, your dog might have a urinary tract infection that makes it uncomfortable for her to "hold it" as she should. She should be examined by your veterinarian to rule this out as a problem.

If your dog has never been reliably house trained, she should not have the run of your home when you aren't home or if you're unable to supervise her. She should be contained to either a dog crate, or part of a room with the help of a child gate or two.  

Clean the areas where your dog has soiled with an enzymatic cleaner such as Nature's Miracle, so she won't be attracted back to the spots.

Best of luck,