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schnauzer odd actions

19 9:25:50

Molly is 1 1/2 yrs old.  I have noticed in the last couple of weeks that her breath really smells.  She started licking her mouth continuously in the last couple of day. Her nose is warm also.
Could she have sinus drainage?
Last week I acquired one of her puppies,Bubba.  He is 7 mo old.  I kept him 3 days and he really seemed to adjust well to his new/old surroundings.  Then he began to vomit.  I took him to the vet and he has Parvo.  He is still under their care with drip.  I really hopes he makes it.  He was forced fed a small amount of food today.  Maybe he will keep it down.
I lost his father last week; he was ran over by a car. My husband and I have taken this loss hard. This puppy it all we would have of his daddy, Shrek, left.
Please help if you can.  Thank You!

Bad breath is often caused by dirty teeth, but it can also be a symptom of other mouth issues, such as an absessed tooth. It can also be a sign of some other illness in the body, such as an ulcer or some other disease such as diabetes or kidney problems. Molly needs to be seen by a veterinarian for a proper diagnosis.